Bamberg County operates within the “Council-Administrator” form of Government. This form of government appoints a professional public administrator to be the administrative head of the county government.
Department Functions
- To oversee daily operations of Bamberg County and execute the policies and directives of County Council.
- Serves as chief administrative officer of the county
- Executes the policies, directives and legislative actions of the council
- Directs and coordinates operations of the county
- Oversees preparation of annual operating and capital budgets for the council, and requires such reports, estimates and statistics as necessary from county departments and agencies
- Supervises the expenditure of appropriated funds
- Oversees financial and prepares administrative reports for council
- Administers county personnel policies, including salary and classification plans approved by council
- Employs county personnel, subject to council appropriation of funds for that purpose
- Performs other duties as required by council
- Responds to requests for information and or assistance from individuals, business and private organizations, other governments and community groups
- Works with elected officials (local, state and national) to ensure that all County departments are operating in the most efficient and effective way to provide services and accountability to the County’s taxpayers (citizens)
The County Administrator does not:
- Have authority over any elected County Official and their offices created by the State Constitution or state laws, with the exception of applying general organizational policies adopted by County Council.
- Determine or set taxes or fees without approval of County Council.
- Have authority over services provided by other governments or public services.
Contact Information:
Joey R. Preston
Phone: (803) 245-5191
Fax: (803) 245-1219