A: Property can be purchased at the delinquent tax sale held once a year. Contact the Delinquent Tax Collector's Office for more details by calling (803) 245-3005.
Q: What methods of payment are accepted? A: Cash, certified checks and money orders made payable to Bamberg County Delinquent Taxes. These payments may be mailed to Bamberg County Delinquent Tax Collector, Post Office. Box 385, Bamberg, South Carolina 29003.
Q: Can I own property by paying the taxes? A: No, anyone can pay a tax bill. However, payment of someone's tax bill does not give one claim to the property.
Q: If my property is sold at the Delinquent Tax Sale, can I get it back? A: You have one (1) year and a day from the date of the sale to redeem your property.
Q: What is the interest rate when redeeming property? A: 1st Quarter - 3%; 2nd Quarter - 6%; 3rd Quarter - 9%; 4th Quarter - 12%