The Bamberg County Tourism and Recreation Committee (BCTRC) is focused on creating an improved quality of life for resident of Bamberg County through the addition and update of recreation and tourism opportunities throughout Bamberg County. In order to improve these areas, the BCTRC is requesting that Bamberg County citizens partake in a survey to assist the committee in future plans concerning recreation and tourism.
The committee recently created a survey, which can be found online at The survey is also listed on the Bamberg County Facebook Page. For those needing a printed copy of the survey, it can be found at the Administration Office on the first floor of the Bamberg County Courthouse, located at 2959 Main Highway, Bamberg.
Questions on the survey focus on the type of facilities that could be developed within Bamberg County and include bicycle trails, aquatic parks, a convention center, tracks, soccer fields, skateboard parks, senior citizen centers and more.
The survey also offers an opportunity to input ideas not listed concerning facilities and programs citizens would like to see developed, or a description of the type of recreation or leisure time facilities and/or activities most needed in Bamberg County. An opportunity to add additional comments regarding parks, facilities, recreation programs needed in each geographic area of Bamberg County is also offered.
For more information on this survey or questions on how to access the survey, please feel free to call (803) 245-5191 between the hours of 9am and 5pm, Monday through Friday.